Helping Australians Overseas
ডেস্ক রিপোর্ট
প্রকাশ: ০৩:৪২ পিএম, ২ সেপ্টেম্বর,
বুধবার,২০২০ | আপডেট: ০১:২৯ পিএম, ২২ জানুয়ারী,
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Minister for Women
HELPING AUSTRAlians overseas
The Australian Government will provide additional support to the most vulnerable Australian citizens whose return to Australia has been impacted by the restrictions arising from COVID-19.
Building on our existing Traveller Emergency Loans program, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is making available a Hardship Program with further emergency assistance for the most vulnerable Australian citizens overseas. The loans are intended to cover temporary accommodation and daily living expenses until they can return. Loans may also be available to help vulnerable Australians purchase tickets for commercial flights.
Applicants will have to meet strict eligibility criteria to access a loan, and only the most vulnerable Australian citizens still overseas will be provided financial assistance. All loans must be repaid upon return to Australia.
The Government, including through our embassies and high commissions around the world, continues to work with airlines and other governments to help Australians return on commercial flights. Consular officials are also assisting Australians overseas impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
In order to manage and maintain quarantine arrangements in Australia, the National Cabinet agreed to international passenger arrival caps. While critical to the integrity of Australia’s quarantine system and the safety of the whole Australian community, the caps have restricted the availability of flights home for Australians overseas.
Australians overseas in need of consular assistance can register with DFAT via We encourage those seeking to return to Australia to remain in regular contact with their airlines or travel agents to confirm their arrangements.
Further detail about the assistance, including eligibility criteria and how to apply, are available on
Media Contact
David Wroe: +61 429 531 143
Melanie Ruiz: +61 427 888 392
Authorised by Senator the Hon Marise Payne, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Women, Australia.